Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Secret Island

On Bantaian Island life is going easy and slow, especially for tourist. In the afternoon You lie in the hammock under the humming coconut trees. The beautiful sunset is coming. Along the white sandy beach some philippinos kids playing in the water. On your right handthere is a fisherman village on your left is also fisherman village and on the back is your nice bungalow where your friends are playing on the guitar drinking excellent local rum.

You can think that something is wrong. Beach, sea, weather, people, food and price of big bottle of rum are just perfect! You are in the best place for holiday on earth and there is only a few tourists on the whole island. Everybody are on Bali, Boracay and Phuket looking in overcrowded resorts for what you have just got. It is nice to have that kind of secret. So please do not advertise that place. Just come here for a week or two and enjoy that small paradise lost somewhere on Visayan Sea.

We are swimming during the amazing beautyfull sun set. Tommorow we are invited for fishing and lunch to our friends restaurant-Tristana (next post).


Anonymous said...

beautiful and amazing pictures karol.. athos

Anonymous said...

ja tu magisterke trudze a swiat taki piekny...pozazdroscic :) ahhh i ohhh

taboo cuisine said...

to prawda. tam jest przepieknie.

Anonymous said...

a jaki bedzie cel nastepnej wyprawy i kiedy?

taboo cuisine said...

optymistycznie juz niedlugo, Ameryka Środkowa i Południowa.

Anonymous said...

to teraz pytanie niedyskretne ...jak sobie radzicie z kasa ?

taboo cuisine said...

przed wyjazdem cieżko pracowalismy, w Anglii oczywiście. 100% srodki wlasne. Teraz znów przychodzi pora na ten mniej miły etap

Anonymous said...

i zadnego sponsora ?? no to respect :D koszta mozna ograniczyc ale mimo wszystko kasy sie nie da przeskoczyc, jest jak ****** na ******pie, tym bardziej good luck :)