Duck eggs are stored in special warm place till the egg turns into the embryo. Then they are put into the special plastic container or basket which can keep warm for a long time during they are being sold on the street. The proper way of eating ballot is very simple. Open the top of the egg. Put salt and vinegar into the egg. Dirink the liquid first. After that open it and eat the baby duck.
In the end take a big shot of cold beer and smile! You shouldn’t be disappointed about the taste. It is really good!
As you can see on the photos it doesn’t look so nice so ballots are sold only in the night as a snack for street beer drinkers.

Jest już naprawdę jasno. Biorę aparat i idę nad zatokę. Morze spowite jest szaro niebieską mgłą z której na horyzoncie wyłaniają się statki. Na bulwarze jest już tłoczno. Na ławkach śpią niedobitki z barów i bezdomni, zakochane pary całują się pod palmami na tle wschodzącego słońca a te damy calyczas czekaja na swoich kochankow.

I am going to Bay Walk (the long walking street along the sea) to take a rest after long night in smoky bars and eat a breakfast. On the way I am taking some pics. Only one film. 36 shots.