Two months in China. Six thousand kilometers by train or bus. From the inhabited mountains on the border with Kazakhstan to Forbidden City. From the surreal Bozhou medicine market to Shanghai and more far south to the paradise valley of Li River. Every night in a different chinese hotel with all night ringing phone. Right amount of Tsing Tao (the best chinese beer) and some bottles of terrible rice vine much stronger than polish vodka. Culture shock every day: laydyboy show in the Kazakh Autonomous Region, spitting guy on your shoulder in the internet cafe, hidden, underground brothel houses in old hutongs in Beijing, every day diarrhea in a public toilet without walls between cabins, doggy market in Yangshuo.
But onthe other hand the most hospitable people during our travel like three charming angel girls from Guangzhou and their friend David who was keeping us 5 days in his little flat or everyday party in Yangshuo with crazy people from around the world and friendly chinese students (hi Iris!).
We made a decision. Good bye China. Let’s go to Philippines! Just take a flight from Hong Kong by really cheap Cebupacific Airways and try the nightlife in Manila, sandy beach on the tropical island and some strange food for sure. Hong Kong now!
Bruce Lee monument.
But onthe other hand the most hospitable people during our travel like three charming angel girls from Guangzhou and their friend David who was keeping us 5 days in his little flat or everyday party in Yangshuo with crazy people from around the world and friendly chinese students (hi Iris!).
We made a decision. Good bye China. Let’s go to Philippines! Just take a flight from Hong Kong by really cheap Cebupacific Airways and try the nightlife in Manila, sandy beach on the tropical island and some strange food for sure. Hong Kong now!
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