In south east China in Guanxi province there is a town surrounded by the beautiful calcareous rocks raised from the flat green rice fields. The Li River crosses this paradise country and gives it fresh water, plenty of fishes and more charm that crowds of tourists enjoy traveling by boat or riding on bike around. In the past Yangshuo was a small, calm fisherman village settled on the bank of the Li River. Now it is bustling resort called by the local people 'global village'. There are hundreds of foreign travelers, plenty of english teachers, chinese tourists and students learning english in many language schools have just opened in Yangshuo. You can feel here more easy and free like nowhere in China. In one word it is nice place to meet new friends and enjoy together the amazing scenery of green hills and rice fields in the day and beer after the sun set.
But where is strange food, weird customs, culture shock? In westernized Yangshuo there are good pubs, young people like to party every night, bakeries, pizzerias, internet, and even camels...globalization.
What to do here? After four days of drinking beer in english pub with pool I decided to move my heavy ass and check what is around the corner.
The paradise valley of Li River.
An ancient inscription in the cave
Drinking beer with shopkeeper.
an old house
our neighbours open air kitchen
a very nosy guy
Finally I found my favorite snacks on the food market near the bus station and the main street in Yangshuo. Pig's tongues and tails. One guy prepared it especially for me.
Than I felt some terrible but unknown smell. What is that...chicken, duck?no...It was something better what Chinese love particularly. Dog meet is a delicacy. It has excellent taste and makes your body warm during the cold winter nights.
Why you're writing in English?
You're Polish aren't you?
Do you have Polish version of your blog?
Najchetniej bysmy pisali po chinsku, zeby jak najwiecej ludzi nas obejzalo. jestesmy praktycznymi szpanerami a nie patriotami
polish english same same...ja tez bym wolal po chinsku
Oh, 4 Pete's sake...why they always have to pick at people, u have problem with English, get a dictionary!! zdjęcia sa fantastyczne i pomysł też genialny, nie lubie blogow, ale ten jest naprawde ciekawy, tylko troche tych psow szkoda...chociaz jakbym miala weza to pewnie jego tez byloby mi szkoda. stalowych żoładków chlopaki i oby promili nie zabraklo do popicia :)
oh jak miło. wreszcie jakaś bratnia dusza
zadziwia mnie to ze zawsze ktos sie musi przyczepic, zawsze cos..zawsze no :)...po tych Waszych zdjeciach stwierdzam ze juz nic mnie nie dziwi...i wcale daleko nie trzeba jechac zeby sie przekonac ze mozna zjesc wszystko, wystarczy odwiedzic Texas :P
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